Have a Great Vacation with Wagah Border Tour

Wagah BorderWagah Border, also referred to as the Berlin Wall of Asia,  is the only road border crossing between Pakistan and India which lies on the Grand Trunk Road flanked by the cities of Amritsar, Punjab in India and Lahore, Punjab in Pakistan. This only crossing point between Pakistan and India is regularly open to foreigners. The border gates have a visitor gallery on each side, on the whole concrete steps created around the border main road. This allows most people in the crowd to get a seat but it is not exceptional to see up to 500-1000 people standing at the outside edge. There are metal barriers to help direct and be in command of the crowds in and out of the seating areas. At the doorway of this outpost, there is a sightseeing gate with a dedication ‘Swarna Jayanti’. There are electrified barriers with 66,000 volts of electric current. Wagah border tour offers you to see all these attractions along with “Beating the Retreat” ceremonial carried out by the soldiers in evening.

Beating the Retreat Ceremony

Beating the Retreat Ceremony

The daily highlight and the major attraction of Wagah Border tour is the evening “Beating the Retreat” ceremony. The ceremony starts with a stiff-marching parade by the soldiers from both the sides. One infantryman stands at attention on each side of the gate. Soon after, the heavy gates at the Wagah Border are flung open; the two soldiers approach each other, exchange fierce looks, give out mimicked threats, and show anger. They shake hands and commence to lower the Indian and Pakistani flags fixed on high poles at the gates, at the same time. At this point the noise in the open-air theatre transforms into pin drop silence. The bystanders at Wagah Border stay behind acutely quiet in wonder of the ceremony. The only sound being that of the pounding of boots of the soldiers on both the sides as they match steps and try to surpass each other as a part of the ceremonial grandeur. The flags are smartly folded and carried back into the respective camps. There is a final brisk handshake between the soldiers from either side, after which no glance is exchanged. This is followed by the slammed closing of both the gates and blowing of trumpet to mark the end of the grand ceremony.

Flag Lowering Ceremony

Flag Lowering Ceremony

The daily flag raising and lowering ceremony at Wagah Border, done with charming solemnity and ceremony that involves lots of tall soldiers in substantial turbans goose-stepping about and slamming gates. Both the Indian and Pakistani border forces do this and it has become a tradition for people from both sides gather and sees this. Both sides coordinate their parade and the entire event is meant to create a feel-good or patriotic dedication amongst the crowd. This interesting ceremony takes place every evening before sunset at the Wagah Border. As the sun goes down, chauvinistic fervor rises and lights are switched on marking the end of the day amidst booming praise. One can visit the Wagah Border right through the year. However, the best time to visit is during the months of October to March, as the weather is cool and pleasant. Summers here are extremely hot and can be avoided for any outside visit. The Wagah Border post remains open daily from 10:00 am till the flag down ceremony in the evening. For the Wagah Border ceremony, it is advisable to arrive well before sunset to grab a proper seat in the open air theater. Depending upon the time of sunset, the flag down ceremony normally starts around 4:30 pm in winters and 5:30 pm in summers. The ceremony lasts for around 45 minutes in total.

It starts with high patriotic spirits from sides of the border. Soldiers march towards the gate at the border, which is thrown open when they reach there. The soldiers salute each other and start lowering the flags. The flags are lowered at the same time. The soldiers retrieve and fold the flags, the gate slams shut, and a trumpet sounds the end of the ceremony. The soldiers then return with their country’s respective flag. By having a Wagah Border tour, you can experience the aggression and the style which show the highest level of pride and prestige to the armed forces to outperform each other.